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Texas Whistleblower Attorneys

Protecting the Rights of Texas Whistleblowers

Blowing the whistle on company misconduct is a brave thing to do. Unfortunately, it often comes at a high cost to Texas employees. From employer retaliation to wrongful termination, unethical employers and corporations have a reputation for punishing whistleblowers through unlawful means, making it vital for whistleblowers to consult with an experienced whistleblower attorney who can protect their rights.

At Hilliard Law, our determined advocates have over 30 years of experience protecting whistleblowers. Our extensive knowledge of corporate business law and litigation makes us well-equipped to prioritize your best interests by holding unethical companies accountable for misconduct. We can ensure your understanding of the various legal protections in place to safeguard your rights and protect against unjust consequences. 

Exposing corporate corruption often comes with a price. Hilliard Law can aggressively protect your rights. Call (361) 882-1612 to schedule a free consultation

Understanding Texas Whistleblower Protections

Reporting misconduct in the workplace by unethical corporations and companies should be acknowledged as a courageous and noble deed. Unfortunately, doing the right thing can result in unjust consequences for Texas workers. From retaliating against whistleblowers to terminating employees who blow the whistle, it’s crucial to protect and exercise your rights against large and powerful companies who seek to avoid legal consequences. 

Texas has legal protections in place to safeguard the rights of whistleblowers against disgruntled companies, including: 

  • Texas Whistleblower Act: This act protects public employees from retaliation for reporting misconduct to an appropriate law enforcement authority. It includes reporting any violation of state or federal laws, rules, or regulations by their employers.
  • Sarbanes-Oxley Act: Codified in 18 U.S.C. §1514A, this federal law extends to all domestic public companies and non-public entities with publicly traded debt securities. It provides whistleblower protections to employees who disclose employer violations related to mail, wire, bank, or securities fraud, providing a civil cause of action. 
  • Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act: This federal law expanded whistleblower protections by broadening prohibitions against retaliation. Under this act, employers cannot discharge, demote, suspend, harass, or discriminate in any way against an employee who reports misconduct. 

Our passionate advocates can evaluate your unique circumstances to build your case from the ground up, strengthening your claim with relevant evidence to present a compelling argument on your behalf. 

Who Can File a Whistleblower Claim? 

Any employee subjected to retaliation for reporting illegal or unethical practices within their organization can file a whistleblower claim. This includes public and private sector employees, regardless of their position within the company. 

Under the Texas Whistleblower Act, whistleblowers must report the misconduct to an appropriate law enforcement authority for the protections to apply. At Hilliard Law, our highly skilled attorneys can collaborate closely with you to determine grounds for eligibility and fortify your case with strong evidence.

Common Types of Whistleblower Cases

Whistleblower lawsuits can result from various issues. Common types of whistleblower cases we handle include: 

  • Healthcare fraud: These cases involve healthcare providers, such as hospitals, nursing homes, and pharmaceutical companies, defrauding government healthcare programs (such as Medicare and Medicaid). Common practices include overbilling, providing unnecessary treatments, and kickback schemes.
  • Securities fraud: These cases involve violations of laws governing stocks and bonds. Dishonest practices like insider trading, spreading false information, stock manipulation, and deceptive financial reporting fall under this category.
  • Tax fraud: This involves individuals or companies deliberately falsifying information to avoid paying taxes. Common tactics include underreporting income, inflating deductions, and hiding money and income offshore.
  • Government contract fraud: This type of whistleblower case involves contractors defrauding the government. Examples include overcharging, failing to meet contract specifications, cross-charging (charging the government for expenses on a different contract), and product substitution (delivering cheaper goods than agreed).
  • Environmental violations: These cases involve businesses that violate environmental laws, often to save costs. This might include improper disposal of hazardous waste, pollution of water bodies, or non-compliance with emissions standards.
  • Financial institution fraud: This includes cases where banks and other financial institutions engage in fraudulent practices such as mortgage fraud, fraudulent foreclosure practices, and violations of consumer protection laws.

Can Whistleblowers Remain Anonymous?

Federal law provides certain protections for whistleblowers who prefer to stay anonymous as confidential informants. Under 18 U.S.C. §1513(e), disclosing a whistleblower’s identity can constitute an obstruction of justice. When it comes to anonymous and confidential reporting, the most effective way to safeguard your identity as a whistleblower is to collaborate with an experienced attorney. 

Hilliard Law is committed to protecting our clients' rights and safeguarding the attorney-client privilege by tirelessly advocating on their behalf. We can fight to hold companies responsible for violations and prevent retaliatory actions, such as wrongful termination or demotions. 

Reasons to Hire a Trusted Whistleblower Lawyer

Our nationally recognized firm is experienced in navigating a wide range of whistleblower claims. From medical malpractice to class action lawsuits, our diverse knowledge of state laws allows our attorneys to represent clients in a variety of whistleblower disputes. If you’re preparing for a whistleblower case, we can assist with: 

  • Sound legal guidance: Our extensive knowledge of whistleblower laws and protections permits us to guide our clients. From filing a claim to appearing in court, we can ensure compliance with legal processes and procedures throughout your case. 
  • Confidentiality: Our whistleblower attorneys are well-versed in maintaining confidentiality and anonymity for our clients. We can guide your steps accordingly to report the misconduct while minimizing the risk of your identity being revealed, protecting against potential retaliation.
  • Fortifying your case with relevant evidence: Our skilled advocates assist employees with gathering evidence, documenting company violations, and building a strong case to support their claims. We understand what evidence is needed to substantiate such allegations, allowing us to advise our clients on potential strategies to maximize the chance of achieving a favorable outcome.   
  • Effectively negotiating a settlement: In some cases, whistleblowers may be able to reach a settlement with their employer rather than going to court. Our lawyers can negotiate effectively to seek a fair settlement on your behalf and prevent other parties from taking advantage of you. 

Blowing the whistle on workplace misconduct can result in retaliation and wrongful termination. Contact us online to consult with an experienced whistleblower lawyer. 

Real Results ReaL Justice

  • $50
    Million Settlement*
    Class Action

    Mr. Hilliard was the lead class counsel in Haese v. H&R Block, a class action lawsuit involving every Texan who received a rapid refund from H&R Block (approx. 300,000 plaintiffs). He assisted other class counsel in forcing H&R Block to disclose it received kickbacks for arranging loans between its tax preparation clients and predatory lenders.

  • $20
    Million Settlement
    Property Damage

    On the eve of the arbitration hearing, Hilliard Law attorneys obtained a $20 Million settlement on behalf of Nueces County, Texas for property damage that occurred as a result of Hurricane Harvey.

  • $13.5
    Million Verdict
    Predatory Lending

    In 2005, Mr. Hilliard represented multiple plaintiffs in litigation with Ocwen Loan Services, LLC (formerly Ocwen Federal Savings Bank) on allegations of predatory lending. Mr. Hilliard tried two cases which resulted in combined verdicts of $13.5 million.

Tenacious Representation for Texas Whistleblowers

At Hilliard Law, we understand the fear and uncertainty that whistleblowers face when they come forward with information about company misconduct. That’s why our compassionate attorneys are here to help. We can make your personal goals our own by prioritizing your best interests from start to finish, fighting tirelessly for the favorable outcome you deserve. 

Real Clients. Real Stories. Real Justice. Tell Us Your Story

It’s our mission to hold the powerful accountable for their wrongdoing. Reach out to our team immediately regarding your case to schedule a free attorney consultation today.