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Wrongful Conviction Lawyers in Texas

Defending Clients Nationwide

In a society that prides itself on justice, the thought of someone being wrongfully convicted and imprisoned is unimaginable. However, the harsh reality is that wrongful convictions happen more frequently than we would like to believe. Innocent individuals find themselves trapped in a cruel and unforgiving system, their lives disrupted and their futures stolen from them. 

That’s where wrongful conviction lawyers come into play – they are the advocates tirelessly working to restore justice and bring relief to those who have been unjustly imprisoned.

Hilliard Law has earned a national reputation for taking wrongful conviction cases that other lawyers refuse as too difficult or politically sensitive. We stand as a shoulder to lean on in hard times. You have rights and deserve an advocate who will listen to your story and fight for the truth. 

The wrongful incarceration lawyers from Hilliard Law are ready to take on your case, call us today at (361) 882-1612.

Understanding Wrongful Convictions: What Constitutes a Wrongful Conviction?

Wrongful convictions occur when an innocent person is found guilty and convicted of a crime they did not commit. Whether due to mistaken identity, false confessions, or faulty evidence, these miscarriages of justice often have devastating consequences. It is crucial to understand the factors that contribute to wrongful imprisonment to prevent them from occurring in the first place.

Wrongful convictions can stem from various sources, including eyewitness misidentification, coerced confessions, inadequate defense, misconduct by law enforcement or prosecutors, and forensic errors. Each case is unique, yet they all share an alarming injustice – the incarceration of an innocent person.

Eyewitness misidentification is one of the leading causes of wrongful convictions. Our memory is not as reliable as we often believe it to be. In high-stress situations, such as witnessing a crime, our ability to accurately identify the perpetrator can be compromised. 

Factors such as poor lighting, a brief encounter, or the presence of a weapon can further hinder our ability to make an accurate identification. It is estimated that approximately 70% of wrongful convictions involving DNA evidence were initially based on eyewitness misidentification.

Coerced confessions also contribute to wrongful convictions. It may seem unfathomable that an innocent person would confess to a crime they did not commit, but it happens more often than we would like to think. Interrogation techniques, such as prolonged questioning, sleep deprivation, and psychological manipulation, can lead individuals to provide false confessions out of fear, confusion, or a desire to end the ordeal. In some cases, individuals with intellectual disabilities or mental health issues are particularly vulnerable to giving false confessions.

Inadequate defense is another factor that can result in wrongful convictions. Not all defendants have access to competent legal representation, and this can significantly impact the outcome of their case. Public defenders, who often have large caseloads and limited resources, may not be able to provide the thorough investigation and vigorous defense necessary to uncover the truth. Without a skilled wrongful conviction lawyer to challenge the prosecution’s evidence and present a strong defense, innocent individuals may find themselves wrongfully convicted.

Misconduct by law enforcement or prosecutors can also contribute to wrongful convictions. While the vast majority of law enforcement officers and prosecutors are dedicated professionals committed to upholding justice, there have been instances of misconduct that have led to innocent people being wrongly convicted. This can include fabricating or withholding evidence, coercing witnesses, or engaging in unethical practices during the investigation or trial process. Such misconduct undermines the integrity of the criminal justice system and can have devastating consequences for those who are wrongfully accused.

Forensic errors, though less common, can also result in wrongful convictions. Forensic evidence, such as fingerprints, DNA, or ballistics analysis, is often considered highly reliable. However, human error, contamination, or flawed methodologies can lead to incorrect conclusions. In some cases, forensic experts may overstate the significance of their findings or provide testimony that is not scientifically valid. When flawed forensic evidence is presented in court, innocent individuals can be convicted based on faulty science.

Influence of media sensationalism and public pressure cannot be underestimated. In high-profile cases, the intense media coverage and public outcry for justice can create an environment where law enforcement and prosecutors feel compelled to solve the case quickly, even if it means cutting corners or overlooking evidence that may exonerate the accused. This rush to judgment can lead to flawed investigations and the wrongful conviction of innocent individuals.

Addressing these systemic issues is crucial to prevent future wrongful convictions. Reforms in investigative techniques, such as adopting evidence-based practices and improving eyewitness identification procedures, can help reduce the risk of misidentifications.

 Implementing mandatory recording of interrogations and providing adequate legal representation for all defendants, regardless of their financial means, can help safeguard against coerced confessions and ensure a fair trial. It is also essential for the media and the public to approach criminal cases with caution and skepticism, allowing the justice system to operate without undue influence.

By understanding the complex web of factors that contribute to wrongful convictions and taking proactive steps to address them, we can strive for a more just and accurate criminal justice system. The fight against false imprisonment requires a collective effort from lawmakers, law enforcement agencies, legal professionals, and society as a whole to protect the innocent and uphold the principles of justice.

We Stand Up for the Innocent – Our Experience & Success

At Hilliard Law, we are dedicated to the pursuit of justice and the vindication of the wrongfully convicted. With years of experience and a track record of success, our team of skilled lawyers has tirelessly fought to exonerate innocent individuals and secure financial compensation for victims of wrongful convictions. We are committed to using our skills and legal knowledge to right the injustices of the past.

Our firm has earned a national reputation for taking wrongful conviction cases that other lawyers refuse as too difficult or politically sensitive. If you or someone you know is innocent of the crime for which they are accused or convicted, we are here to help you seek justice.

Type of wrongful conviction case we can handle include:

  • Manslaughter
  • Vehicular manslaughter
  • Drug possession
  • Domestic violence
  • Driving while intoxicated
  • Driving under the influence
  • Battery
  • Assault

We Are Proud to Have Successfully Proven Innocence for These Clients

Koua Fong Lee

Bob Hilliard represented Koua Fong Lee, a Hmong immigrant wrongfully convicted of vehicular homicide. Attorney Hilliard proved that Mr. Lee’s vehicle unexpectedly accelerated due to a mechanical defect. The plaintiff had already served two years of his initial eight-year sentence. We considered this when fighting for a settlement.

Lakisha Ward-Green

On September 3, 2010, Lakisha Ward-Green lost control of her vehicle when avoiding a negligent driver. Ms. Green’s son (also in the vehicle) passed away in the accident. Ms. Green was speeding at the time and pled guilty to involuntary manslaughter.

Our firm discovered a GMC ignition switch defect and won Ms. Green’s freedom after 121 days in jail.

Candice Anderson

Ms. Anderson served years in prison, thinking she was responsible for her boyfriend’s death. However, our team fought for her after Saturn Ion’s ignition locking defect was brought into the public eye. Attorney Hilliard took civil action for the wrongful death.

As your social justice attorney, we can help you with whatever kind of wrongful conviction case you have. 

How We Can Help

Our team will handle whatever you need and every aspect of your case. This could include the following tasks:

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FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS real questions. Real answers.

  • What defenses are available in such cases?

    You might think that because you are already in jail, there is no hope for your case. However, there could be information you (or the court) do not know. We could assert that:

    The police did not hear your side of the story

    You might have been deprived of the opportunity to speak for yourself. The authorities might not have believed you. Our lawyers will advocate for you to speak about what happened on record.

    The authorities did not properly record your testimony

    The existing statement connected to your name might not truly reflect the information you shared. The responding officer might have inserted their opinion into the narrative.

    The court could have lost or ignored potentially vital evidence

    You might have provided names of people who had verifiable proof of your innocence. The judge could have failed to consider this testimony. We will interview people who could have more information about your side of the story.

    The responding officer did not complete the arrest correctly

    The officer you dealt with might have filled in paperwork improperly or failed to read your rights. Our lawyer can look for evidence that you were not treated fairly or given proper treatment under the law.

    Precedents set by past cases support your release

    The circumstances of your case might not be as unique as you think. Our lawyers will research any cases like yours that resulted in the plaintiffs’ freedom. We could argue that the other cases’ situations and results apply to your case.

    The test results were not accurate

    Blood, urine, or breath tests could have yielded incorrect data. For instance, you could have been pulled over due to an officer’s suspicion that you were driving drunk. This officer might not have cleaned the breathalyzer correctly before administering the test.

    Another possibility is that the sample you gave was not handled correctly and became contaminated.

    Evidence that put you behind bars was not acquired legally

    Police officers must follow certain protocols when gathering evidence. For instance, if they searched your home without probable cause or a warrant and they found drugs, we could have this evidence “thrown out” because it was not legally obtained.

  • What are the dangers of "pro se" representation?

    You do not need to hire a lawyer, as there is no legal requirement. However, there are many risks in doing so. Retaining the services of our wrongful incarceration team could give you peace of mind. You know that with us, you have a firm that cares.

    Defending your own case in court could result in:

    • Filling out forms incorrectly
    • Misinterpreting the law
    • Your forgetting vital details
    • Not having enough time to perform all the required tasks
    • Not having enough money to pay for court fees
    • Having to relive negative experiences without support

Real Results ReaL Justice

  • $50
    Million Settlement*
    Class Action

    Mr. Hilliard was the lead class counsel in Haese v. H&R Block, a class action lawsuit involving every Texan who received a rapid refund from H&R Block (approx. 300,000 plaintiffs). He assisted other class counsel in forcing H&R Block to disclose it received kickbacks for arranging loans between its tax preparation clients and predatory lenders.

  • $20
    Million Settlement
    Property Damage

    On the eve of the arbitration hearing, Hilliard Law attorneys obtained a $20 Million settlement on behalf of Nueces County, Texas for property damage that occurred as a result of Hurricane Harvey.

  • $13.5
    Million Verdict
    Predatory Lending

    In 2005, Mr. Hilliard represented multiple plaintiffs in litigation with Ocwen Loan Services, LLC (formerly Ocwen Federal Savings Bank) on allegations of predatory lending. Mr. Hilliard tried two cases which resulted in combined verdicts of $13.5 million.

  • Confidential
    Bank Discrimination

    Hilliard Law attorneys secured a large confidential settlement against a financial institution that imposed unjust and discriminatory standards on its Black customers. The sizeable settlement marked a victory against the widespread, racist phenomenon known as “Banking while Black.”

Social Justice Lawyers Fighting for the Exoneration & Redemption of the Wrongfully Incarcerated

Our dedication to fighting for justice extends beyond the individual cases we take on. We are passionate advocates for policy reforms and raising awareness about wrongful convictions to effect systemic change. By working towards the exoneration and redemption of the wrongfully incarcerated, we strive to create a more just and equitable society for all.

In the relentless pursuit of justice, our wrongful conviction attorneys play a vital role. Their unwavering dedication, legal experience, and commitment to restoring justice offer hope to those who have endured the unimaginable. Through collective efforts and unwavering perseverance, we can ensure that justice prevails and innocent lives are no longer needlessly destroyed.

Hilliard Law has earned a national reputation for taking wrongful conviction cases that other lawyers refuse as too difficult or politically sensitive. If you or someone you know is innocent of the crime for which they are accused or convicted, we are here to help you seek justice. 

The Profound Impact of Wrongful Convictions on Individuals & Society

Wrongful convictions have far-reaching implications that extend beyond the innocent individuals themselves. Families are torn apart, relationships suffer, and loved ones are left to grapple with the emotional and financial burdens of supporting an imprisoned relative. The ripple effect of wrongful convictions reverberates throughout society, eroding trust in the justice system and casting doubts on its ability to prevent such grave mistakes.

When a person is wrongfully convicted, their life is forever altered. They are robbed of their freedom, their dreams, and their sense of self. Behind bars, they endure the harsh realities of prison life, facing violence, isolation, and a constant struggle to maintain their innocence. The psychological toll is immense, as they battle feelings of despair, anger, and hopelessness.

But it is not only the wrongfully convicted who suffer. Their families are left to pick up the pieces, grappling with the devastating impact of their loved one’s incarceration. Spouses are suddenly thrust into the role of single parents, struggling to provide emotional support and financial stability. Children grow up without a parent, missing out on the guidance and love that should be a fundamental part of their upbringing.

Furthermore, the financial burden of supporting an imprisoned relative can be overwhelming. Legal fees, prison visits, and phone calls all add up, placing an enormous strain on already fragile family finances. In many cases, family members are forced to take on extra jobs or rely on public assistance to make ends meet.

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Real Clients. Real Stories. Real Justice. Tell Us Your Story

It’s our mission to hold the powerful accountable for their wrongdoing. Reach out to our team immediately regarding your case to schedule a free attorney consultation today.