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Texas Slip and Fall Attorneys

Lawyers Experienced in Texas Slip and Fall Cases

Slip-and-fall accidents are caused by dangerous or hazardous conditions on commercial, private, or public property. Indoor hazards could include torn carpeting, abrupt changes in flooring, poor lighting, narrow stairs, or a slippery floor. Outdoors, you may slip and fall because of rain, ice, snow, or an unseen hazard, such as a pavement gap or pothole. Not all slip-and-fall accidents are unavoidable, however, and if a property owner or business manager could have prevented yours, you may stand to recover compensation.

Slip-and-fall accidents can have significant financial, emotional, and physical consequences. Over your lifetime, you may have to deal with medical expenses, hospital visits, rehabilitation, and other economic losses. Hilliard Law is prepared to help you if you’ve been harmed by a negligent party.

Our Texas slip and fall lawyers fight to hold negligent property owners accountable for the injuries and harm they may have caused. We have secured millions for victims affected by property owner violations in providing a safe environment for visitors, and we are ready to help you get the compensation you deserve.

Contact us online or call (361) 882-1612 to schedule a free initial consultation today! If we take your case, we operate on a contingency fee basis, so you owe us nothing unless we win.

What Are Texas’s Slip and Fall Laws?

In Texas, property owners have a responsibility to keep their establishments safe for lawful visitors. When a property owner fails to adequately address a safety hazard that they knew or reasonably should have known about, and that hazard subsequently causes a slip and fall, the property owner becomes liable for any resulting injuries. If you were involved in a slip and fall accident caused by negligence, we can help you prove that the owner directly contributed to your injuries and other losses.

Proving that you do not share any of the blame for the accident is vital, as Texas follows a comparative negligence rule. Under this rule, any damages you receive will be reduced according to the percentage of fault you contributed to the accident as long as your share is 50% or less.

Property owners can challenge your right to compensation or try to deny your claim. We are well-versed in their strategies to lowball your compensation and understand how to fight against it. Our Texas slip and fall attorneys are ready to stand with you and will fight to win.

Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents can occur for various reasons, often due to hazardous conditions on a property. Common causes include:

  • Wet or Slippery Floors: Water, ice, snow, or spilled liquids can create a slick surface that makes it easy for people to lose their footing.
  • Uneven Surfaces: Cracked sidewalks, loose tiles, or uneven flooring can trip people or cause them to lose their balance.
  • Poor Lighting: Insufficient lighting in walkways, staircases, or entryways can make it difficult to see potential hazards, increasing the risk of falls.
  • Clutter and Obstacles: Items left in walkways, such as cables, boxes, or debris, can cause people to trip and fall.
  • Worn or Torn Carpeting: Frayed edges, loose rugs, or uneven carpet can catch on shoes and cause people to trip.
  • Weather Conditions: Rain, snow, or ice on outdoor surfaces, like steps or sidewalks, can make them extremely slippery.
  • Lack of Handrails: Missing or inadequate handrails on stairways or ramps make it harder to steady oneself, increasing the chances of falling.
  • Unsafe Stairways: Broken steps, uneven risers, or slippery surfaces on stairs can lead to dangerous falls.

Common Slip and Fall Injuries

Slip and fall accidents can lead to a wide range of injuries, some of which may be severe. Common injuries include:

  • Broken Bones: Falls often result in fractures, especially to the wrists, arms, ankles, and hips, as people try to brace themselves during a fall.
  • Sprains and Strains: Ligaments, tendons, and muscles can become overstretched or torn during a slip and fall, leading to painful sprains or strains, particularly in the ankles and wrists.
  • Head Injuries: Falls can cause people to hit their heads on the ground or nearby objects, leading to concussions, traumatic brain injuries (TBI), or even skull fractures.
  • Back and Spinal Cord Injuries: A slip and fall can cause injuries to the spine, including herniated discs or spinal fractures, which can result in chronic pain or even paralysis in severe cases.
  • Cuts and Bruises: Falls often cause abrasions, lacerations, and bruising, especially if a person falls onto sharp or hard surfaces.
  • Shoulder Injuries: Trying to catch oneself during a fall can lead to shoulder dislocations or fractures, particularly if the arm is extended during the fall.
  • Knee Injuries: A fall can twist or jar the knee, leading to ligament tears or meniscus damage, which can require surgery or extensive physical therapy.
  • Hip Fractures: Particularly common among older adults, hip fractures can have serious consequences and often require surgical intervention and long recovery periods.

These injuries can vary in severity, but even seemingly minor injuries can lead to long-term complications, especially if not treated properly.

What Is Needed to Prove a Slip and Fall Injury Claim in Texas?

Often, slip and fall injuries are the result of a property owner’s failure to maintain their facilities safely. To hold the property owner accountable, you will need to provide proof of negligence.

Many types of evidence can prove valuable when building a Texas slip and fall case, including:

  • Eyewitness testimony. Eyewitnesses to your slip and fall may be able to offer crucial information supporting your case.
  • An incident report. Writing a report after an accident or injury is a policy required by many companies. If someone asked you to fill out an incident report with details about the accident, you may be able to obtain a copy of this report.
  • Security camera footage. Many homes and businesses have some form of surveillance equipment, which may have recorded the incident. You may be able to use a copy of the video footage to support your case.
  • Photos. Pictures of the accident scene can help others understand how your accident occurred and help demonstrate that the owner failed to maintain the area. Photos of your injuries could also give an idea of the extent of your injuries.
  • Medical record. Doctors’ visits create a physical record of your injuries. Invoices and copies of your medical reports track the medical costs you have incurred as a result of your accident and demonstrate the extent of your injuries.
  • Receipts and timesheets. Evidence of what you’ve spent on travel costs, medical treatment, and other losses can help confirm the amount of compensation you deserve. Timesheets may also be able to prove how often you had to miss work and your lost wages.

Assembling and persuasively presenting various types of evidence to build a slip and fall case can be overwhelming, especially while dealing with the consequences of your injuries. Our experienced Texas slip and fall lawyers can help gather the necessary evidence to support your claim.

Who Can Be Held Liable for Slip and Fall Injuries in Texas?

Property owners owe guests (and others who are legally on the property) a safe environment, free of unreasonably dangerous conditions. Under Texas law, anyone who plays a part in a slip-and-fall accident may be held financially responsible for the consequences.

Liable parties in a slip and fall case could include:

  • Private business owners at grocery stores, restaurants, shopping centers, and other types of businesses
  • Government entities, such as city or state governments
  • Transportation centers, such as airports
  • Property owners
  • Managers or landlords
  • Product manufacturers
  • Third-party contractors and vendors

At Hilliard Law, we know what it takes to identify all liable parties, demonstrate the elements of negligence, and prove one or more parties were responsible for your slip and fall accident. We will evaluate all relevant circumstances of your slip-and-fall case, taking a comprehensive approach when reviewing evidence, interviewing witnesses, and analyzing medical records. 

How We Can Help with Your Texas Slip and Fall Injury Claim

Our legal professionals have a national and international reputation for tenacity when it comes to fighting for personal injury victims. We understand how life-altering slip-and-fall injuries can be, as they account for over one million emergency room visits each year. When you hire our dedicated and compassionate team, we will tenaciously fight for the lawful justice you deserve, taking a detailed approach to building a robust claim on your behalf.

We can help build and support your slip and fall claim in the following ways:

  • Evaluating your claim and providing experienced legal guidance on how to best proceed
  • Comprehensively investigating the details of your slip and fall accident, including reviewing video surveillance footage, medical records, and other vital evidence
  • Negotiating with insurance adjusters and other relevant parties to protect your legal right to complete compensation
  • Explaining your legal options and answering any questions throughout your case
  • Working with field professionals to accurately determine the value of your claim
  • Preparing your case for court if we cannot secure a fair settlement in negotiations

We believe that if a negligent party caused you harm, they should be held responsible for their unlawful actions. Our Texas slip and fall attorneys are prepared to handle all aspects of your claim so you can focus on your healing and recovery.

For over three decades, we have protected the legal rights of slip and fall injury victims, and we know how to fight for you, too. 

Call (361) 882-1612 or fill out our online contact form  today.

Real Results ReaL Justice

  • $25
    Million Verdict
    Negligent Security

    In May 2013, Mr. Hilliard was the lead trial attorney who obtained a $25 million jury verdict in a premises liability case in Nueces County, Texas. His client, a security guard for a downtown Corpus Christi building, was severely beaten while at work.

  • $18
    Million Verdict*
    Wrongful Death

    After only 3 days of trial, a San Patricio County, Texas jury returned a returned a record-breaking $18 million verdict, including $10 million in punitive damages, on behalf of our client, the widow of a trucker and handyman, who died after falling through a roof.

  • $10
    Million Settlement
    Catastrophic Injury

    While working at a chemical facility, our client was instructed by the owner to climb to the top of a vessel to install spacers on a pipe when he was suddenly and without warning exposed to high concentrations of deadly chemical gases, including carbon monoxide, nitrogen, hydrogen, and hydrogen sulfide.

  • $6.4
    Million Verdict
    Hip Injury

    As lead trial lawyer, Mr. Hilliard successfully represented a 90-year-old Corpus Christi woman who was injured when a hospital’s sliding door closed on her, crushing her hip.

  • $2
    Million Settlement
    Child Injury

    In 2018, Hilliard Law attorneys achieved a $2,000,000 settlement with a child daycare center for failure to render lifesaving aid to a child in distress.

Elements of a Successful Texas Slip and Fall Injury Claim

You may file a slip and fall injury claim if you are hurt after slipping and falling on someone else’s property. Texas’s premises liability statutes, which hold property owners accountable for specific kinds of injuries experienced by visitors while on their property, apply to slip and fall accidents.

Duty of care is a pertinent aspect of these claims. Duty of care describes a responsibility to maintain the health, safety, and well-being of others, such as maintaining premises free of hazards.

You may need to demonstrate the following elements to win your slip and fall case:

  • Duty of care. Establishing that the defendant owed you a duty of care makes them responsible for whatever injury they caused you.
  • Breach of duty. After proving the defendant owed a duty of care, you must demonstrate how, through negligence, that duty was violated.
  • Causation. After establishing their negligence, you must show how their negligence contributed directly to your injury.
Real Clients. Real Stories. Real Justice. Tell Us Your Story

It’s our mission to hold the powerful accountable for their wrongdoing. Reach out to our team immediately regarding your case to schedule a free attorney consultation today.