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What to Expect During an Oilfield Accident Settlement

As an oilfield worker, you have legal rights to pursue fair compensation in the event that you have been substantially injured on the job due to someone else’s negligence or carelessness.

Working in a Texas oilfield is among one of the most dangerous professions. There are many ways in which an oilfield worker may get injured on the job. With the prevalence of inexperienced workers and negligence on the job site, oilfield accidents are bound to occur. There were over 1,500 fatalities in 2017 related to oilfield extraction, and in addition to a high mortality rate, workers may even sustain debilitating injuries that impede their ability to work, require extensive medical care, and may result in psychological and emotional suffering.

With the help of experienced Texas oilfield accident lawyers at Hilliard Law, we will fight to obtain the justice you deserve. An oilfield accident settlement may assist with the financial burdens of a severe injury, lost wages, and other substantial losses you may have experienced due to your accident.

If your or a loved one has been injured in an oilfield accident, Hilliard Law is here to help. Contact us today for a free consult.

What to Expect During an Oilfield Accident Settlement

If you have experienced an oilfield accident while you were on the job, working in the scope of your employment, you may be eligible to recover workers’ compensation benefits. These benefits are set up to assist workers with all accident-related medical expenses and a portion of their lost wages.

In the cases of severe injuries that restrict workers from coming back to work due to permanent impairment, you may also be qualified for permanency benefits as part of your workers’ compensation claim.

Third-Party Oilfield Accident Settlement Claims

Although oilfield workers generally are not eligible to file a personal injury lawsuit against their employers, they may file legal action against a third party or entity that contributed to or directly caused their oilfield accident. Additionally, if an accident occurred due to a faulty or defective part or machine, you may also be able to pursue a product liability claim against the manufacturer.

Lastly, if the accident occurred due to a slip-and-fall due to the poor upkeep of the facility, you may also pursue a claim against the person responsible for maintaining the facility.

The Oilfield Accident Claims Process

To pursue compensation for an injury caused by negligence, you may need to begin the claims process with an experienced oilfield accident lawyer to ensure that your legal rights are protected, and so you may recover the maximum, fair compensation you are owed for the losses you have sustained in the accident.

The Texas oilfield claims process typically includes the following:

1.    Filing a Demand Letter

A claim for damages begins with filing a demand letter to the insurance company for the at-fault individual or entity and including necessary documentation that supports your claim. The demand letter typically includes a monetary demand settlement and documentation that reaffirms the set value with medical records, medical bills, lost wage statements, and a statement from the victim and witnesses.


An insurance adjuster will evaluate all of the submitted documentation and may make a settlement offer to resolve the claim. An experienced oilfield accident lawyer may negotiate on your behalf to recover the maximum, fair compensation you are owed for the suffering you have experienced. We take into account the cost of your past and future medical treatments, the wages you have lost, the negative impact on your day-to-day life, and the emotional suffering you have experienced.


If you are able to agree on a suitable settlement value, then your case is considered resolved. However, if you are unable to settle on a fair settlement amount, your skilled Texas oilfield accident lawyer may file a lawsuit on your behalf. Filing doesn’t necessarily guarantee that your case will go to trial but will begin steering toward a trial, and the parties will conduct a discovery phase. During this time, your case may still be able to settle before trial.


If your case does proceed to a jury trial or binding arbitration, your knowledgeable oilfield accident lawyer will advocate for you and your legal interests at every step. It is in your best interest to have the legal guidance of a skilled trial attorney at Hilliard Law, on your side to help you assess whether you should accept a pending settlement or take your case to trial and let a jury decide all unresolved issues, including the monetary value of your damages.

Speak With an Experienced Oilfield Accident Lawyer at Hilliard Law

If you have been severely injured in a Texas oilfield accident, speak to an experienced lawyer at Hilliard Law, for a comprehensive evaluation of your claim. We will fight on your behalf to obtain the compensation you deserve and provide knowledgeable legal guidance throughout your oilfield accident settlement claim.

At Hilliard Law, we have years of experience as nationally recognized trial lawyers and have passionately advocated for oilfield accident victims since 1985. 

Speak to a skilled lawyer during your free consultation at (361) 882-1612, or fill out our contact form.

Real Results ReaL Justice

  • Record-Setting
    Million Settlement*
    Wrongful Death

    Hilliard Law attorneys represented numerous injury victims and the families of those killed in accidents caused by GM’s defective ignition switch and their concealment of safety defects.

  • $33
    Million Verdict
    Traumatic Brain Injury

    The Hilliard Law trial team won a $33M product liability case against a golf-car company, involving a golf cart that tipped over on a child causing a severe traumatic brain injury.

  • $30
    Million Verdict
    ATV Accident

    A jury determined that the defective design and marketing of an All Terrain Vehicle were the proximate cause of the decedent's injuries in a fatal ATV accident.

  • $13
    Million Settlement
    Catastrophic Injury

    Hilliard Law attorneys won a $13M settlement for a crane truck operator who was paralyzed in a workplace accident.

  • $11.5
    Million Settlement
    Catastrophic Injury

    Hilliard Law attorneys achieved a $11.5M settlement for a man who sustained burn injuries in a workplace accident.

  • $10.9
    Million Verdict
    Wrongful Death

    Bob Hilliard took on automotive giant Toyota, going to trial to prove a Toyota Camry accelerated uncontrollably, causing a crash that killed three people. A jury awarded $10.9 to the families of the victims.

How a Texas Oilfield Accident Lawyer at Hilliard Law Can Help Your Case

Working with an experienced Texas oilfield accident lawyer is imperative in recovering the maximum, fair compensation you deserve for the significant losses you incurred in your accident.

There are various elements in building a successful claim, and with the skilled lawyers at Hilliard Law, on your side, they will navigate the following steps on your behalf:

  • Interview potential witnesses to the accident and obtain statements
  • Review your accident report details
  • Examine your company’s safety history and regulations
  • Consult with industry experts to determine the cause of the accident
  • Understand the extent of your injuries and damages
  • Provide a proper monetary value of your claim for the insurance company
  • Aggressively negotiate on your behalf and advocate for you in a jury trial if necessary
  • Provide compassionate and knowledgeable legal counsel

Working with an experienced Texas oilfield accident lawyer may help you obtain persuasive evidence as to how and why the oilfield accident occurred and who is responsible for your considerable damages. After building a solid case, your attorney will handle all aspects of the claims process so you may focus on recovery.

Real Clients. Real Stories. Real Justice. Tell Us Your Story

It’s our mission to hold the powerful accountable for their wrongdoing. Reach out to our team immediately regarding your case to schedule a free attorney consultation today.