Working on an oilfield can be a dangerous profession—especially if an employer hasn’t taken adequate steps to ensure the safety of those onsite. As such, accidents can happen in the blink of an eye leaving some victims fighting for their lives.
If you were injured in an oilfield accident, you may be wondering what to do next. You’re probably unable to work, left to watch as your medical costs and other accident-related expenses add up at a rapid rate. It’s a precarious situation that could put you and your family on a one-way road to financial turmoil.
Fortunately, you may be able to apply for workers’ compensation and/or file a personal injury lawsuit to recover compensation for some of your costs. However, as the outcome of your case can often hinge on the smallest details, it’s important to take the right steps right now to give your claim the best possible chance of success.
Let’s look at a few steps you should take after an oilfield accident:
1. Gather Evidence at the Scene
If you are physically able to do so, you should grab your smartphone and start taking photographs of the area where you were injured. Make sure to capture images of the hazard that caused your injuries, your wounds, your surroundings, and any other elements that could help you prove liability and damages.
If someone else saw the accident happen, you should take down their names and contact information to share with your attorney. Additionally, you should take time shortly after leaving the scene to write down everything you can remember about the accident.
2. Visit the Doctor
Even if you were able to walk away from the oilfield accident, it’s possible that you suffered an injury that is yet to manifest any symptoms. As such, it’s important—regardless of the severity of your injuries —to undergo a medical assessment as soon as possible. Not only will this ensure you receive the treatment you need to begin recovering, but it may also help you avoid disputes over failure to mitigate damages once proceedings begin. Once you’ve received a diagnosis, you must make sure that you don’t deviate from your treatment plan for any reason as signs that you did not follow your doctor’s orders could also result in issues during the claims process.
3. Report the Accident to Your Employer
After an oilfield accident, you will have a limited window in which to report what happened to you. Overshoot this deadline and you may not be able to apply for benefits such as workers’ compensation. As such, it’s important to compile an incident report as soon as possible. You should save copies of any correspondence between you, your employer, and other staff members as your attorney may want to review these records.
Speak to an Oilfield Accident Attorney in Texas Today
Were you injured in an oilfield accident? Turn to the legal team at Hilliard Law for advice, guidance, and representation. Our oilfield accident attorneys can review your situation as part of a free case assessment during which they can weigh the strengths of your claim and discuss potential outcomes for your case. Dial (866) 927-3420 or send us a message at our contact form HERE to request a free case review.