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5 Ways to Prepare for a Hurricane


I remember when Hurricane Harvey hit the Corpus Christi, TX area and it was one of the fastest and alarming things I have been through.  I remember driving back from San Antonio, TX from a business trip and I remember my wife calling me saying that as soon as I get back we need to evacuate!  The rush of evacuating and not being fully prepared is something I would not want to do again. So here we are, hurricane season started on May 15 and it ends on November 30. Now that we are in hurricane season, let’s do our best to make sure our families are prepared by planning ahead.  The following are some informational tips to help you:

Get Emergency Supplies

During and after a hurricane, you may need certain emergency supplies to keep your family safe and healthy. Hurricanes could cut off your power and water supply. You also may not be able to drive because of certain road conditions due to the hurricane as well.

That’s why it’s best to be prepared—stock up on everything you might need now. Be sure to prepare the following:

  • Emergency food and water supply
  • Emergency medicine supply
  • Emergency power sources such as flashlights and extra batteries
  • Safety and personal items
  • Medical documents, wills, passports, and personal identification

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Get Your Vehicle Ready

Make sure your car is ready before the storm hits:

  • Fill your car’s gas tank
  • Move cars and trucks into your garage or under a covered area
  • Keep an emergency kit in your car

If you don’t own a car, consider making plans with friends or family or call authorities to get a ride if you need to evacuate.

Get Your Family & Pets Ready

  • Go over the emergency plan with your family
  • Watch the news, listen to the radio, or check online for updates on the storm
  • Call the hospital, public health department, or the police about what to do if you or family member has special needs
  • Put pets and farm animals in a safe place

Get Your Home Ready

  • Make sure there’s nothing that could blow around during the storm and damage your home
  • Cover up windows and doors
  • If you see flooding, downed power lines, or you have to leave your home, switch your power off
  • Have clean water containers filled with drinking water just in case you lose your water supply during the storm
  • Check your carbon monoxide (CO) detector’s battery and make sure it’s working

Be Ready to Evacuate or Stay at Home

Always listen to the news on TV, radio, or online regarding whether you should evacuate or stay at home.  If a hurricane is coming, you may hear an order from authorities to evacuate. Never ignore an order to evacuate. Even well-built houses may not hold up against a hurricane. Staying home to protect your property is not worth risking your health and safety.  If driving conditions are dangerous, staying at home might be safer than leaving. For more detailed information on any of these topics or how to prepare more further visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website.

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